Saturday, July 4, 2020

Small Details That May Be Killing Your Job Search

Small Details That May Be Killing Your Job Search You know that you have the skill-set for the job, you have sent your resume, followed up with a phone call and stillâ€"no interview. Maybe this has even happened multiple times. What is going on? Why aren’t you getting the phone call that leads to your next job opportunity? Sometimes it can be the very SMALL things that can make all of the difference. Check out our five tips below to ensure these aren’t stopping you for making your next big career move. Detail #1 â€" You don’t have an ATS-friendly resume. You are using large charts, graphics, strange columns, and varying fonts. While these may make your resume ‘look’ nice, scanning software on websites does not like this type of formatting. Your information may be top-notch, but if the software can’t filter through the information, then none of it matters when it comes to hiring. Detail #2 â€" You haven’t updated your resume in 10+ years. Did you know that you shouldn’t have an objective on your document? Listing your skills, knowing the key words, and only including approximately 10-15 years’ worth of professional history is the norm today. Aren’t sure if your resume is up-to-par? We can helpâ€"click HERE to contact us. Detail #3 â€" The email address you use is OLD. Even though you may have been using AOL or MSN email address since 1998, it doesn’t mean that you should still be doing so. Start a new email address that is strictly used for your job search. Using your name with a Gmail address is the best option. And, be sure to allow your messages to filter through, as you don’t want your spam filter set so high that potential job opportunities are missed. Detail #4 â€" You are ONLY looking for jobs on career board websites. Even though Indeed and CareerBuilder are terrific websites, know that many companies post job openings on their own websites prior to filtering to the larger sites. If there is a particular organization that you are interested in working for in the future, be sure to regularly check the company website for new job openings. Also, don’t be afraid to reach out to recruiters or staffing agencies in your area to find hidden opportunities. Detail #5 â€" Your network is lacking in quality and quantity. It’s important to make connections and know as many people as possible when seeking a new job. And, it’s also vital that you know the RIGHT people. Whether you are actively seeking a new job or are just putting the word out there that you MAY be ready for a move, it’s important to have trusted colleagues and professional acquaintances that can provide feedback and ideas for new jobs. As with most things in life, the small things can make the difference. From your resume to initial contact with a potential employer, it’s vital that you take the small things into consideration to ensure you provide the best first impression. If you are struggling to figure out HOW to put together a winning resume, download our FREE OFFERING that will allow you to GET THE INTERVIEW!

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